<Slackers> has a Guild Mistress and 5 ranks plus 2 alt ranks.

Slacker Queen (GM, Aikon)
Although the highest rank and in a way the “boss” my role is by no means that of a dictator or a tyrant. I do not make decisions on my own, but rely heavily on the officers and elders in order to take care of the everyday running of the guild.

Über Slacker (Officer)
The Officers are called  Über Slackers and their alts Big Slack Alts. Currently, officers are Lyk, Dragonchaos, Soulreaver, Potatotooth and Frohlen (who is on leave of absence due to RL commitments and whose duties are taken care of by various active Elders). Together with the GM, officers take care of the daily running of the guild, organise events such as raids, take care of the bank and the guild website.

Officers are expected to:

  • Keep the guild's best interest as the ultimate goal in all decisions and actions.
  • Make an effort to analyse and understand the opinions of every member before making decisions that affect the guild as a whole. The Officers and Guild Master will make the final decision on all topics.
  • Work to keep a friendly and successful atmosphere both in game and on the forums. This includes mediating any arguments or conflicts that arise. If a conflict cannot be solved despite the best efforts of the leadership the Officers and the Guild Master will vote on whether or not to remove the source(s) of the conflict in order to restore peace in the guild.
  • Form, lead, and maintain the schedule of guild raids.

Currently the duties are distributed as follows. Although officers mostly take care of their own assignment they (and also Elders) can and will step in when/if needed.


Raid officers: Lyk and Dragonchaos who as the title says are responsible for organising and leading our progress raids. Other raids suchs as the weekly raid gearing up raids for ToC, Ony and VoA are organised by whichever officer has time.

Banker: Potatotooth. Members can ask to buy mats, gear etc from the guild bank for the half the price that the item currently sells in AH. Long time members can also get loans, although every request for bigger loands will be individually discussed amongst the officers.

Membership issues: Aikon and Sacrificer  are the persons to speak to for general issues, problems etc. We will also personally contact memberson a regular basis to get feedback, ideas, members' views etc.

Administration, including the monitoring of the number and ranks and maintaining and updating the website are Aikon's responsibility. She is the person to turn to with problems having to do with loggin onto the website, posting pictures, forum posts and so on.


Elder (Advisor)
This rank is a symbol of loyalty and dedication to the guild. Players who are Elders are long time (in some cases founding) members of the guild and/or ex officers who have wanted to retire from their officer duties. Their opinions and views concerning <Slackers> are highly valued and they help give advice to the Officers and Guild leader when called upon. They participate in discussing possible changes in the guild practices and help to solve problems if such arise. They sometimes also take over officer duties (such as Raid leading or Bank duties) when officers are unavailable. Elders can also be asked for advise about guild matters when no officer is online.

Elders can change GMOTD, they can read and write in the officer chat, invite promote and demote members and change player notes.

Slacker (Member)
Slackers are what makes the slackers slackers. They have gone through their trial period and we have mutually agreed that they are as right for us as we are right for them.

Slackers are expected to be helpful towards other guild members.

And in case they wish to raid with us they should also:

  • Be responsible for keeping the appropriate UI addons up to date. Not having UIs up to date may cause a member to lose their spot in the raid regardless of rank.
  • Keep an active threat meter running, ie: Omen or KLH Threatmeter
  • Use Ventrilo when required, even if it is just to listen.
  • Read all available and relevant strategy guides (either guild specific or on links provided) before attending an event.
  • Bring consumables/reagents/flasks necessary for your class
  • Abide by the guild policies and loot system.


Smell of Crap (Trials)
When you first join the guild you are assigned a tiral rank which we (nice people as we are) have decided to call smell of crap (complain to tooh if you don't like it). Your smelly period lasts 2-4 weeks depending on activity, contribution, and attitude towards others. If you wish to stay in the guild, you are expected to have registered for our forums and read our raiding rules, guild policies and generally familiarised yourself with the forum content before your smelly trial is over. In order to become a member you obviously need to accept all of the rules and principles of the guild. A description of those is in the Being a Slacker page.

At the end of your trial period, an officer (usually GM Aikon & 1 or more other officers) will have a chat with you about how you feel about the guild and how we feel you fit in, what you expect from us and what we expect from you. During your trial period, try to do as much as possible with us (be it 5 man instances, raids, PVP or just generally fooling around) so that we get to know each other as well as possible. Below are the types of things we would want to hear your opinions about at the end of your trial period 

You can attend the raids and even occasionally get some loot during your trial period. However, if you wish to raid with us you are expected to have read and agreed to our raiding rules and policies and conduct yourself accordingly. This includes having the right addons, vent and being prepared (food flasks etc).